Guida: doppi account.

chi sei, goku non lo sai?

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    darling, didn’t you know?
    souls like yours were meant to fall


    behind the mask guida: doppi account
    Perfetto, volevate sapere chi si nasconde sotto le mentite spoglie di altri account? Siete subito accontentati! Ecco una lista dei pg, e dei player che li muovono. Verranno aggiunti qua gli account attivati secondo il regolamento multiaccount :perv kaffè:
    (chi cercavi non è in questa lista? Forse siamo pigri e non aggiorniamo da un po'il player ha solo quel pg, o forse è un pg work in progress!)

    Il primo account fra parentesi, è l'account principale (ossia quello dove è più probabile trovare il player) ♥

    sara sr (staff | #epicwin): #epicwin (maeve) + -as fuck (william)+ parasomnia (lydia) + r.h. (rea) + idk, man (stiles) + anti you (jericho) + ghost hotline (idem) + pipe dream: (arabells) + selcouth (heidrun) + etc. (erin) + 13th (friday) + bitcj (cj) + deadpan (hyde/jack) + hotsy-totsy (barbie) + that's hot (yale) + mcscuse me (mckenzie) + t.h.u.g. (jane) + or-nah.gif (jamie) + huawei or another (fake) + dirrty (vin) + kdm (poor) + ...oh kaz (kaz) + what does tbh mean (troy) + benuàn (ben) + honestly, mood (mood) + potassio (kaito) + joeking! unless (joe) + ms. chief (mis) + [ heavy sigh ] (stan)

    lele (staff | insomniac;): zugzwang. (aloysius) + [a]telès (isaac) + livsnjutare; (phobos)+ insomniac; (elijah)+ .ipseity (gemes) + (un)lucky (jeremy) + /psychosis (brandon) + (scott) + (shot)gun (shot) + cross/fire (mitchell) + wild one; (sunday) + sabaism (twät) + r a n t i p o l e (jekyll/franklyn) + but‚ holy fuck - (kiel) + jic. (justin) + maluma, baby (balt) + arcane. (daveth)

    Lia (staff | homini lupus): homini lupus (aidan) + kafkaesque (ken) + nocturnal (dick) + tentpole (tooth) + niwabi (chouko) + milk bath (raegan)

    pandi (staff | peetzah!): peetzah! (piz) + ad[↑is]agio (turo) + antarctica (nice) + ignis fatuus. (hans) + arale (dylan) + cinnamonroll (nathan) + #wth (wren) + aò! (romolo) + challis. (maddox) + but first, coffee (lupe) + tidal wave (kyle) + occam's razor (grey) + melodia di giugno. (cloud) + flawsome (nelia) + radioactive. (hold) + reset me (reese) + [bitch]craft (mona) + id/gaf (idys) + zeeth. (bash) + kaja (willa) + [ nsfw ] (lance) + .jar (java) +leeren (tyler) + eleutheria (lita) + #IYKYK (theo) + ichor (elias) + (re)belle (lisi) + awanasnais (irma) + been there, done that (jc) + prof. plum (ian)

    elisa jr (staff | cocaine/doll): ms worldwide (niamh) + sassenach, (sharyn) + traptitude (amos) + revenant, (sinclair) + cocaine/doll (akelei) + (gas)light (darden) + ambitchous (sersha) + cookie monster (kieran) + jpitt (shiloh) + / belair (will II) + paso adelante (xavier) + fendiman (ryu) + starlord (gaylord) + lapocalypse (lapo) + nicoteen (paris) + cherrybomb (charlyse) + kerosene dreams (renée) + gibson girl (emilian) + geist (mini) + enchanté (raphael) + sliving (hayes) + avothot (php)

    viola (_You'remineBunny_): queen (Anjelika) + maddox (jason) + ashleythetime (ashley) + Milkobitch (todd) + poisoned (shia) + phoebeinwonderland (phoebe) + _You'remineBunny_ (tae) + wendyishere (wendy) + Drinkme (ellis) + Costa(nzo)s (costas)

    ari (,soft boy): ,soft boy (dakota) + mephobia/ (nathaniel) + beech, pls (jade) + c'est la fucking vie (archibald) + parrish, (noah) + i'm fine (joey) + so, i did a stupid (nicky) + calm like a bomb (mads) + dead girl walking (heather) + peek a (boo!) (fitz) + finger-guns.gif (JD) + yee-HAW (asher) + MANIAC.mp3 (dara) + fenneko (jojo) + there's a g L i t ¢ h (diàz) + semantic satiation (hamish)

    rob (blank/space): blank/space (jayson) + j e r k . (eugene) + saudade. (murphy) + bitch, what? (barrow/barry) + (sharpshooter) (marcus) + smart|mouth (meh) + great•ass (eddie) + yeet! (joni) + anxie/ty (taichi) + goodboy. (clay) + checkmate™ (check) + mokaccino© (moka) + l a t i b u l e ' (ficus) + [ derogatory ] (leonard)

    vins (acacia): acacia (syria) + happy ray of fucking sunshine (coraline) + sort(a) of motherfika (sorta) + oh you wanna see me (ethan l) + myötähäpeä (finn) + by(e) apologize (bye) + beato chi so' fa il sofà (yejun) + pathetic. (roxie)

    babbi (ReLoad): ReLoad (svetlana) + messier_43 (hunter) + C h e l l S E Y (chellsey) + b l a c k w o l f (alister) + mercphobia; (ethan h) + O' Tir a Cir (Ezra) + so' lillo (olga)

    alice (badblood`): badblood` (elwyn) + dandelion (halley) + bananasong (dwight) + goal; (benagol)

    sara jr (Anchor(less)): Anchor(less) (perses) + .hazard. (hazel) + always a bitch (zachary) + butterfly, (narah) + ancient‚ (pervy/lilac)

    ale sr (cigârette): cigârette (dominic) + hold on to me. (holden) + in vodka veritas (julian) + dead outside (mort) + antarctic chimpanzee (swag) + blackbird/ (gin) + f-word! (freddie) + [the blonde salad] (cassandra)

    sara vj (sehnsüchtig.): sehnsüchtig. (bertie) + god(dess) of thunder. (thor) + walking contradiction. (hugo) + habseligkeiten. (adam) + the goblin. (ictus) + cielita. (aracoeli)

    J (melanie~): melanie~ (erisha) + Sheesh‚ i’m not that crazy (madelaine) + Empress. (liz) + teen4ge dirtb4g (delilah) + look what you've done (wind) + stargirl_ (azrael) + damn, cool (kul) + Nah(la)‚ i’m good (nah)

    isetta (.izével): .izével (heloise) + .totentanz (mina) + .craven (corvina)

    matteo (Ayakashi): Ayakashi (john) + Ayakashi II (günther)

    pulce (°shut up): °shut up (amaranth) + Alpaca Curiosa° (morrigan)

    andra (Cassianyx): Cassianyx (koreain) + Stressed As Fuck (scarlet)

    bea (yuna ~): yuna ~ (dorothea) + Ninotchka (nina)

    (ultimo aggiornamento: 01.02.24)

    elisa sr (meta/noia): meta/noia (nicole) + wait, wat? (charles) + ,abso-maybe (mabel) + ,serendipity (godric) + (bjorn) + .tacenda (kovu) + bad•vibes (brandy) + dark/energy (bengali)

    holtz (@speculumdeae): @speculumdeae (neffi) + SOS. (may) + razzle|dazzle (raz)

    anna (nixyer): Nixyer (marcel) +Gideon (leah)

    Edited by ad[is]agio - 1/2/2024, 15:41
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